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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Science VS Art

Good day, everybody! Now, I had gained more and more confidence in writing this blog already. Indeed, journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. (Ya ya, whatever.) So, to cut it short, I will carry on with my opinion on science and art which quite contradict in general but actually is the same. (Hahaha, weird right?) Here are my reasons to support my stand.
Before we discuss the topic any further, I feel that it is wise to know the background of the topic. Now, why there must be equations or theories in our life? Well, the answer is just simple. It is just to simplify our life? (Huh, what the heck I am talking about?) Yes, it is quite true though, because science helps us to somehow estimate certain values or predict the occurrence of something so that we can anticipate and ready for it as a safety precaution. For example, a forensic scientist needs to calculate the projection angle of a bullet that penetrates the body of a victim and an astronomer needs to estimate when and where will be the next solar eclipse happened. On the other hand, art also seem to be counterfeited the nature of science which it is full of flowery word and quite hard to understand the real meaning behind it. But, I bet the purpose of the poet, author and so on is to release their pent up emotion and express it literally rather than figuratively which Miss Chan called it catharsis.
Now, it is time to reveal my own point. You see, Tony Buzan (the famous Mind-mapping maker in the world) has created the concept of the art of science and the science of art. (Wow, I don’t know we can combine both.) Amazingly, this is the truth and we can use it to simplify our way of life. You must be wondering how, right? Art of science is actually telling us that science is not necessarily boring or complicated. We can use our own imagination to illustrate natural phenomenon well in our mind. Like the greatest scientist of 20th century said, imagination is more important than knowledge. This concept can be applied using the mind mapping, charts and pictures to smoothen the flow of our ideas and knowledge about science generally. In contrast, art is not compulsorily pretty in scattering objects and pattern on big canvasses. Using the right techniques, we can organize the features of our painting such as background, harmony, or what-so-ever. For instance, Albert Einstein used to ask his students to imagine circling around the solar system (which later on points that the universe is actually curvy, not continuously in straight line) and Mozart’s note usually organized; making every concert he conducted into a success which is going to be remembered in the history of music.
Next, problems and solutions, students nowadays have problem in relating and applying their knowledge that they learned into their daily life. Most of them thought reading and memorizing is the only way to study (Wrong thinking!!!). Moreover, they just blindly doing notes in black and white and do not making effort to modify it into any proper form to accommodate the need of using it (for example, during the examination). Now, we have the Tony Buzan’s concept as our solution. The student can make their note as colourful as the rainbow (Do you know the efficiency of using colourful notes is 75 %?). With these, we are not only pass with flying colours but also stimulate our senses (our eyes especially).
All in all, we can lead our life even easier and achieve success in much more meaningful way by using science and art efficiently. There is no such thing as science versus art. It is the matter of using them until certain extent. Please bear in mind that our left brain is controlling area of science and the right brain is mainly on art section in our mind. So, train both of them to boost your intelligence to the maximum. The only person who has the ability to do it in the history of mankind is Leonardo Da Vinci (engineer, architect, scientist, poet, singer etc). That’s all, folks! Until then, bye bye!

