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Persona Analysis:

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Saturday, January 17, 2009


Hello there, hmm, actually, I still feel quite awkward in writing blog. The reason is I hate to influence other people’s mind and worse still, it may make other people feel uneasy on me. So, just forgive for any inconvenience that I caused. (No hard feeling ya?). But, for Miss Chan and academic purposes, I will give my best in expressing my point of view.

You see, my family and I always think that education will be forever our main priority in our life. Hence, I will start with education. First, I would like to question,” What is the definition of education?” Well, the answer could be subjective, but from my point of view, education can be defined as the process of learning or teaching or simply obtain and pass knowledge around us or in bigger context, around the world. Nevertheless, education has been around since the dawn of human civilization. This has placed a great deal of importance in education that eventually becomes a universal yardstick in almost aspect of our life.

In past, humans are mostly known for his physical strength and the number of land he conquered throughout the world. Moreover, the wealth that possessed by a person would make him to be recognized in the pages of history. But, all that are about to change. In era of globalization, people are now analyzed from the level of his or her education. Apart from that, education will give the weaker gender an equal opportunity to succeed and thrive for success. Besides that, education is now a necessity for people in present as it will be one of the requirements to further studies and job interviews. Automatically, education is now becoming stepping stone for most people to succeed in this world.

In terms of society and country, education is one of the most important features to reflect ones country’s image. For instance, in Europe itself, about 90% of citizens there managed to get themselves into higher institutions and graduate at the end. This shows they really value knowledge throughout their life which useful to be applied even after their graduation. Furthermore, they use the concept of life learning that emphasize the practicality on applying the knowledge ones learnt before. In my opinion, education is not passing your exams and tests with flying colors or places you as being no. 1 in your class but, education is imperative in gaining knowledge from the day you were born and use it in order to make our life easier.

Of course, there are plenty of ways to execute education in life such as reading, discussion, seminars and so on but, it will be wise to start at the very young age. I’m not saying that old people can’t learn or we should stop educate ourselves when we are old. What I’m trying to say here is to have a greater impact of education, we must sow the seed first rather than plant the tree later. Simply, I can say that the young minds should be easier to be educated than the old ones as they are quite ‘fragile’ and still looking for their identities. This is quite common in everywhere which kids are turned into ‘long-term investments’ as parents would spend every single penny in their pocket and utilize every ‘connections’ they have just to make sure their children get themselves into the best school.

In short, education is one of the things that we should have in life. Undeniably, it benefits us in many ways. One of my friends told me, “What’s the point of having Ferrari car if you don’t have brain at all?” (Well, she’s right) This only proves one thing, ladies and gentlemen; indeed, knowledge is power. Until then, see you next time in the next post.

