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Persona Analysis:

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Venus VS Mars!!!

Hey! (Sigh) What a relief! I can say it is a blessing to have a week off from the college, (sorry, I don’t mean I hate the classes, but I just need some time to have a break and reorganized myself.) Ok, let see, umm, how about we talk one of the topic which you guys maybe like to talk about when you meet up in the café? (And time to kill, of course!)

It seems that throughout the history of mankind, the society has witnessed remarkable event and undisputedly horror of men’s and women’s ups and downs. So, the one million dollar question is, “Who is the best, men or women?” I bet many of us knew the answer or some knew but still insists that they are more superior to the other gender. Believe me, I have a better explanation that perhaps can satisfy most of you who reads this post.

Ok, let’s see from the biological aspect, men were made stronger than women because their upper abdomen is much bigger than the opposite gender. In contrast, women are considered weak, I mean, they are less capable in terms of physical strength because their lower abdomen are basically stronger than the upper ones. So, indeed, men are brawnier than women. Next, if you observe from the psychological context, men are more playful than women and that’s natural because that’s the way of them to preserve their rationality and far-sightedness. Meanwhile, women are more focused in getting their objective achieved and willing to let their pleasure go to enjoy greater benefit in the future. Oh yeah, now I get it, the other purpose of marriage is simply to balance the way of thinking of the couple. That’s not hard to think about it, isn’t it?

Then, in past, we notice that men are more famous and respected for their wisdom, strength and leadership, such as Prophet Muhammad, Alexander The Great, Hannibal, Khalid al-Walid (if you know him),Napoleon Bonaparte, Mahatma Gandhi and etc. Women are less distinguished but still they make difference in the way of society looking them like Queen Elizabeth I that abolished rules that implied restriction on women in England during her era. In present, women are judged based on their performance in academic and capable in completing men’s job efficiently and vice versa for men. Others changed their genital organ just to be like the opposite ones because they can’t cope their stress and psychology confusion and abuse. So, both had changed the world where we live in and equalize their position as high as the sky and low as the ground. All in all, it doesn’t matter who beats who, but it will be a better thing for both gender to use what they possess and acquire and fulfill their responsibilities toward themselves and people around them rather than you waste your time criticize others without learning any lesson at all. That’s all, my friends for this post. Stay put for the next post, ya?

